DanceSport Québec organizes various fundraising activities throughout the year.
Most of us like to invite friends over for dinner in the summer.
Guests usually bring a present for their host: a bottle of wine, something for the home or another thoughtful token of their appreciation. As a host, how would you feel about asking for a $25 donation for dancesport instead? Not only is about the same as they would spend on one of the usual gifts, it’s also eligible for the DSQ 300% matching program and is tax deductible. All the monies collected will be used to promote sport dancing.
It’s so easy to get involved!
When you receive a dinner invitation between mid-June and mid-August, ask your hosts if they would mind if you made a $25 donation to the DSQ instead of bringing a gift.
If the host agrees, click on the Make a Donation button and fill out the form.
Drop us a line the day after at and let us know what was on the menu for dinner. Also, tell us in a few words how your evening went, and don’t forget to include a photo!
Here are our First Donors:
Diane and Denis Michaud were invited to dinner at Marjolaine Lagacé and Daniel Benjamin’s home on June 17, 2020. The trout was cooked to perfection and they had an enchanting evening at Marjolaine’s splendid residence.

Here are our Second Donors:
Guests at Diane and Denis Michaud’s on August 5, Roland Saulnier et Francine Provost enjoyed a splendid dinner in their backyard. They had scallops and strawberry salad, red tataki tuna and strawberry-rhubarb mousse for dessert. Amazing…Denis even ordered fireworks! Very impressive!